Does Cal Tri Events really allow free race transfers, deferrals & participant transfers as late as the day before the race? Yes. While there are no refunds, when your plan changes, your goal can too. Free transfer or deferral to a future Cal Tri Events race as late as the day before the race. Participant transfers where the registrant gives/sells their registration to another user is also allowed at no cost as late as the day before the race. The process is 100% automated and must be completed by the athlete themselves. For technical questions, please contact
How To Transfer
How To Defer To The Same Race Next Year
How to Transfer to Another Athlete
Switch Events
Note: Athletes have until December 31 of the race year to claim their deferral.
What if an “Act of God” forces cancellation of a race? We have you covered even against Divine Intervention! If a natural disaster, accident, or other incident outside of human control causes Cal Tri Events or a municipal authority to cancel a race in its entirety, we will automatically refund your registration fee in full. If an athlete would rather participate in a future race, they will be given a three day window to transfer their registration to any future Cal Tri Events race before the automatic refund is processed. There is no charge for the transfer, even if the new race has a higher registration fee than the original one. Certain restrictions apply; see our full refund policy here.
What is a triathlon? A race that includes swim + bike + run disciplines typically performed in that order. The earliest recorded triathlon took place just east of Paris in 1901 with the "sportsmen of the time" completing a run, cycle and canoe. From 1920, the canoe segment was replaced by a swim with a newspaper listing the annual event as comprising a 3km run, 12km bike ride and a crossing of the River Marne. Started in 1978 as the Human Race Triathlon, Cal Tri Newport Dunes is the longest running triathlon in the world operating from the same location. Also started in 1978 was the Ironman World Championship Triathlon Oahu but it moved to Kailua-Kona, Hawaii in 1981. This serves as the Cal Tri Events National Championship Race with registration in the 1500-2000 range.
Who is Cal Tri Events? Cal Tri Events is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization with a safe, affordable & accessible mission. Besides making donations to nonprofit organizations in the communities we serve, our athlete community raises funds for worthwhile causes. Learn more at Triathlete Magazine, Endurance Business & The New York Times.
Does Cal Tri Events really have 18 event options per race? Yes with the rare exception, Cal Tri Events offers 18 event options including 6 Olympic distance events (Triathlon, RunBikeRun, SwimBike, SwimRun, 1640 Yard Swim & 10K Run), 6 sprint distance events (Triathlon, RunBikeRun, SwimBike, SwimRun, 400 yard Swim & 5K Run) and 6 youth sprint events (Triathlon, RunBikeRun, SwimBike, SwimRun, 400 yard Swim & 5K Run). Starting in 2025, there are no relay events.
Do youth athletes really race for free? Yes. The Cal Tri Kids program, highlighted by Endurance Biz, is funded thanks to all of our sponsors and donors from our athlete community through personal donations or fundraising. This program is available for the 6 sprint events (triathlon, duathlon, swim run, swim bike, swim and 5k). To qualify for a free race, athletes must be 7-17 years of age on race day. The youth sprint events are their own division for awards and rankings; they are not compared to or competing against those in the adult divisions. It is the responsibility of the parent to thoroughly review the schedule, course maps and FAQ with their young athlete prior to the race.
How long are the races? Cal Tri Events produces short course triathlons at the sprint and Olympic distances. Each race page has a COURSE tab which includes the distance, elevation and route for the swim, bike and run for both the sprint & Olympic distances. Typically distances are close to the following:
I’m a beginner, can I do this? On average, 40% of athletes at a Cal Tri Events race are first time triathletes. We offer a number of resources to get athletes race ready.
Athletica - 4 Free Weeks Of Athletica AI-Powered Coaching
Athletica Swim & Coaching Clinic- 90 Minutes. Free in person clinic.
Virtual Triathlon Clinic - 60 Minutes. Free virtual clinic.
What are some of the things I need to bring to the race? These are some of the items you will want to have in your transition bag. This is a great investment.
What does Cal Tri Events provide in the athlete packet? Cal Tri Events Wristband. Put this on immediately. Only athletes with wristbands will be allowed to enter the transition area.
Can I use headphones? NO. Athletes need to maintain situational awareness. An athlete using headphones, including bone-conducting headphones, will be disqualified (DQ'd) from the race.
If an athlete does not show (DNS) for the race will the participant shirt and finisher medal be shipped or mailed? No. Participant shirts are for participants and finisher medals are for finishers.
Where are the time cut offs listed and what happens when an athlete exceeds a time cut off? Time cut offs are found on the race schedule. The minimum swim pace for sprint athletes is 4 minutes/100 yards and olympic athletes is 3 minutes/100 yards. Race officials have the discretion of adjusting the overall schedule depending on the event start time and athlete load time into the water. Race officials will enforce both the swm cutoffs and bike cutoff. Athletes who do not finish (DNF) one of the disciplines in the alloted time will be included in the results with the designation DNF. Athletes who miss a cut off are encouraged to finish any part of the remaining race if time permits.
How does a seeded, rolling swim work? Swim starts have evolved from mass swim starts to seeded, rolling swim starts as a safety enhancement. Seeded, rolling swim starts are designed to minimize athlete contact in the water. Athletes are allowed to enter the water in groups of 2-4 at a time in intervals of 3-5 seconds. Athlete order into the water is seeded from fastest to slowest swimmer shortly before the race. The athlete must know their 100 yard swim pace for their event. An athlete's time starts when they cross the timing mat.
Do I need a wetsuit? Not all races require a wetsuit. If the water is 78 degrees or cooler, you can wear a wetsuit (but it’s not required). If the water is 78-84 you can wear a wetsuit but you won't qualify towards awards. There are various types of triathlon wetsuits: full wetsuits, sleeveless and buoyancy shorts. There are also wetsuits for surfing or boating. These also work, but are not specifically designed for the demands of triathlon specific swimming.
What type of bike can I use? An expensive bike is not necessary. A bike with two wheels with brakes on each wheel. Road, mountain, hybrid, gravel, recumbent and triathlon bikes are allowed. Fixie bikes are not allowed.
For recumbent bikes, what WUCA rules apply to both standard and recumbent bikes? Aerodynamic aids including front-facing conical leading edges, fairings, and tapered and tear-drop-shaped trailing sections (e.g. tailboxes) designed to minimize turbulent airflow around the rider are prohibited. The following items are not considered aerodynamic aids and are allowed: aerodynamic helmets measuring less than 38 cm (15 inch) in length; small storage containers located behind the rider measuring less than 33 cm (13 inch) in length, 20 cm (8 inch) in width, and 25 cm (10 inch) in height; rear disk wheels (or wheel covers); skin suits.
How do I know where to put my bike in transition? Unless directed otherwise, athletes are free to chose any place in transition to rack their bike. Each rack can accommodate 6-8 athletes. Be mindful of other athletes and try to not take up too much room.
Will there be traffic on the bike course? Some courses are partially or completely closed to traffic and others are partially or fully shared with traffic. A closed course is a course that is not open to traffic. You won't have to worry about vehicles, but you still have to watch out for other participants, cyclists or walkers/runners. A shared course will have vehicles on the course. Ride defensively. Watch out for cars pulling out of small streets or driveways.
Are athletes responsible for knowing the course? Athletes are responsible to study and know the course. We highly recommend that athletes familiarize themselves with the bike and run course by driving or riding it prior to the race if possible. Police are there to keep an intersection open for cyclists. They are not there to provide directions.
Do you allow drafting? No. For the safety of everyone and the fairness of racing, drafting is not allowed. Athletes are responsible for leaving at least 4 bike lengths between bikes, except when passing. One warning will be given before an athlete is disqualified.
How does a SwimBike work? A SwimBike event includes only swim and bike disciplines. The athlete is finished when they return their bike to transition. Athletes can then leisurely walk to the finish line, check their official time and return their timing chip.
How does a SwimRun work? A SwimRun event includes only swim and run disciplines. The athlete must place their run gear in the transition area for use after the swim. The event starts at the swim start and finish under the finish arch.
How does a RunBikeRun work? A RunBikeRun event includes a run, bike, then another run. The event starts at the finishing arch, includes a transition to the bike in the transition area with race completion under the finishing arch after the run.
How does Cal Tri Events do awards? Overall awards to the top 3 (Male, Female & Non-Binary) for each event will be presented (6 sprint, 6 olympic, and 6 youth sprint). There are no age group awards. Consistent feedback from our community is that athletes would rather spend time with family and friends than endure a lengthy age group award ceremony with 1,080 possible podium presentations (18 events x 20 age groups x 3 (M/F/NB). The awards schedule varies from race to race. Athletes must remain at the awards presentation area until their event is presented to remain eligible for awards. Athletes who depart the race early are no longer eligible for awards.
How do I hide myself from participant lists? This RunSignUp page explains how to make your profile Anonymous if you would prefer that your name is not shown on public lists. This DOES NOT include results generated outside of RunSignUp.
How does Cal Tri Events recognize age groups winners? The Grand Prix USA Series Competition returns with over 30 races across the U.S. A total of 135 athletes will be recognized (Top 5 Overall Male, Top 5 Overall Female, Top 5 Overall Non-Binary & 120 Age Group). In 2023, over $15,000 worth of prizes will be awarded.
When and where will race photos be posted? Photos will be posted on our Flickr page 24-48 hours after the end of the race.
What is Cal Tri Events Privacy Policy? Cal Tri Events values your personal privacy and has created the most robust privacy policy in the U.S. multisport market. The RunSignUp Privacy Policy covers the handling of an athlete's data collected during the registration process. With the exception of information provided to our timing partner to conduct the race, (First Name, Last Name, Event, Sex, DOB, City & State), Cal Tri Events doesn't share, sell or monetize your personal information with anyone including but not limited to governing bodies, municipalities, commercial partners or sponsors or research organizations.
Right To Refuse Service. Cal Tri Events reserves the right to refuse to serve any person or entity, for any reason not excluded by law, in its sole discretion.